Nome del Gruppo* Tipo di Gruppo Giorno di Arrivo (dd/mm/yyyy)* Ragione Sociale Capogruppo (per comunicazioni urgenti qualora ci fossero)* Documento personale (carta d'identità/patente)* Telefono* E-mail* Indirizzo* Città di provenienza* Partita IVA Tot. Partecipanti* Tot. Interi* Tot. Ridotti (bambini fino a 140 cm di altezza)* Tot. Omaggio (bambini fino a 105 cm e persone non deambulanti)*
Discounted rates for organized groups (parishes, colonies, institutions, summer camps, etc). Discount for entry in group of minimum 20 people with RESERVATION REQUIRED Minimum number The group must consist of a minimum of 20 paying people; Free Free tickets are recognized by the 21st person. They must NOT be counted in the number of paying people children under 105 cm in height non-ambulant people group drivers (up to a maximum of 2 drivers per bus) Example To find out the number of free tickets, divide the number of participants by 21. Example: 163/21=7.76, therefore 7 free. Validity Offer valid for the months of June, July and September, excluding Sundays and the entire month of August. Fill out the form to request your quote